Area Check-in Aeroporto di Alghero
Servizi Aeroporto di Alghero

Airport Management

SOGEAAL S.p.A. (Società di Gestione Aeroporto di Alghero) is the Management Company of the Alghero Airport

It was founded in 1994, to meet the requirements of the new legislation that allowed terminal businesses and aeronautical services, to determine social-economic growth and give value to local resources and businesses, following the European directives drawn up with the help of the Italian government.
The main SOGEAAL S.p.A. activity is to facilitate connections with the rest of Italy and Europe, becoming a strategic and vital engine for local economic development.



Company Stakeholders
F2i Aeroporti 2 S.r.l.: 71,25%
District of Sardinia: 23,06%
SFIRS S.p.A.: 5,69%